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Vocal Fundamentals Week 1: Mindset

Today, we're talking about our first vocal fundamental: MINDSET


“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." - Mother Teresa


Progress in most things in life will require a small, simple action done over and over again.


Your voice is no different.


There is no grand gesture or vocal habit that will magically transform your vocals overnight. Instead, it requires of you commitment and discipline to put into practice the things that will be necessary to learn, maintain, and grow your abilities, one step at a time.


The sooner you are able to accept and remember this, the sooner you will be able to grow in your abilities and potential. Lord willing, the time will pass anyways, so you may as well be intentional with how you will put your best voice forward!


And you know what?




You can do this. If God has gifted you and God has given you an assignment to use your voice for His glory - whether that looks like being a Worship Leader, being a Teacher, being a bgv on a worship team, Pastor, etc - then in His strength you can do this!


Also remember that it's NORMAL to have thoughts like, "I'll never be good enough", "This is going to take forever", "I can't stand the sound of my voice today", or "I don't want to warmup/practice/drink enough water today".


When those days or moments hit, here's what I want you to do:


  1. Acknowledge that you're having that thought.

  2. Stand or sit still with a comfortable and supported posture.

  3. Close your eyes.

  4. Breathe in for 4 counts.

  5. Hold your breath for 4 counts.

  6. Exhale for at least 5 counts.

  7. Repeat up to 3x if necessary


This is a type of "BOX BREATHING". This technique does wonders to calm your nervous system and any anxious or negative thoughts. It brings calm to your mind and body, and helps you to feel more relaxed.


The Navy Seals use this breathing technique. Therapists teach it to their clients. I personally use it to bring negative and anxious thoughts under control or to regulate any nerves before a worship service, speaking event, or performance.


After you've done this breathing exercise, I want you to have a phrase, scripture, or quote that you can think to yourself or say out loud that will help your mindset get back on track. Here are some that I use:


  • "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." Philippians 4:8

  • "You won't always be motivated so you must learn to be disciplined." - unknown

  • "I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order to learn how to do it." - Pablo Picasso

  • "Stress makes you believe that everything has to happen now. Faith reassures you that everything will happen in God's timing." - unknown

  • "Each of you should use whatever gifts you received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10-11


Your assignment this week: work on your mindset.


First, remember that progress will take time, commitment, and the discipline to stick with it. Start working towards learning to accept and embrace this.


Second, notice those thoughts that are not moving your forward in your vocals. Start practicing box breathing. Fill your mind with positive things that will remind you of who you are and why you want to learn to sing or learn to sing better. We need the unique voice that you have! Don't be afraid to use it and take care of it!


Next week, we'll talk about diaphragmatic breathing and how good breath support and control matter SO MUCH when it comes to how your voice sounds and feels.


Until then, I hope you enjoy your week. Talk soon!

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